Our asynchronous video technology is custom-configured for innovative healthcare operations and marketing leaders across North America:

Client Examples
We produce custom asynchronous video technology across all areas of health care.

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Our Clients In the News
HCT Client:

Recognized by:

Online videos get patients ready for surgery
THUNDER BAY, Ont. – Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is integrating digital, video technology into their clinical workflows for surgical patients using technology developed by Health Care Transformation. TBRHSC’s goal is to improve patients’ experience with access to an online video library that reinforces what they will learn from their healthcare team regarding pre-operative instructions and post-operative follow up.
HCT Client:

Recognized by:

Improving the experience of surgical patients using asynchronous video technology
Staff at Gramercy Surgery Center noticed a number of redundancies in their internal workflows when communicating with patients that were leading to a diminished experience. In an effort to solve the redundancies, they turned to an innovative approach – asynchronous video.